Day In The Life As A Single Mom Of 2 *almost* Grown Kids

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I began my journey at 16, pregnant and uncertain about life. My mornings were hectic with last-minute homework, diaper changes, and daycare drop-offs.

Now, at 38, things have slowed down. My second baby is almost graduating high school, my daughter has moved to Texas, and I’m navigating a whirlwind of emotions.

Join me as I explore a day in the life of a single mom of two, now transitioning into a new chapter.

In This Blog Post:

  • Am I Still A Single Mom?
  • I Quit My Job 
  • What’s Next
single mom day in the life

Am I Still A Single Mom?

My days start with prayer and meditation to mentally prepare for the day, including handling my dog’s morning antics. Life is less chaotic now that my kids are older, and honestly, it feels strange not being needed as much.

I reflect on times when I wanted my kids to be grown so badly, and now I realize that feeling was probably unaddressed postpartum depression. 

When you are 16, you can’t talk about how you are feeling without someone saying “Well, you are a kid having a kid, deal with it” as if you are exempt from negative feelings of raising a child alone. 

I was overwhelmed and often felt alone, navigating single motherhood without the support of my children’s fathers.

I managed as best as I could, focusing on providing for my children without asking for much help. 

My financial support came from working multiple jobs and keeping multiple side hustles to keep me afloat. It wasn’t easy, but I prioritized my children’s future over everything else. 

I filed for child support but never received a penny. I honestly do not care because if either of their fathers wanted to be a part of their lives…they would. I never wanted to be the woman acting a fool just to get them to provide. We are grown and if you do not want to naturally be a part of someone’s life that came from you then they don’t deserve them anyway. 

Anyway…..My morning routine now consists of my son driving himself to school unless I have something to do and then I  take him and pick him up.  Every morning I am reminded of how when my daughter graduated high school and the mix of emotions it brought me. 

Now, with both kids nearing adulthood, those same feelings have started to emerge again. 

I question whether I still fit the label of ‘single mom’ or if I’m just a single woman with adult children.

Regardless, I believe the role of a mom never truly ends, and I plan to remain involved, transitioning from caretaker to advisor.

I Quit My Job

Embracing this new role, I recently made a significant life decision to quit my job at a bank and pursue entrepreneurship full-time. This wasn’t an impulsive move but a considered one, fueled by a long-suppressed desire to be my own boss and a clear sign from my faith that it was time to step forward into this new challenge. Starting my own business is a leap of faith, but it’s also a testament to my belief in my capabilities and the support system I’ve built over the years.

Despite the uncertainties, I’m optimistic. Entrepreneurship is a thrilling journey, and I’m ready to embrace both its highs and its risks. The flexibility of running my own business also means I can be more present in my new role as a mom to adults, supporting them in ways that are less about daily care and more about guiding them through their own life decisions.

What's Next

As I reflect on these transitions, my home—which if you’ve watched the video, is a hot mess—seems to symbolize the beautiful mess of life itself. It’s not just about keeping a perfect house but creating a home where growth, change, and love coexist.

The bittersweet feelings of this new chapter for me and my kids are complex, but there’s beauty in evolution and in the new ways I can show up for them.

As the day ends and I settle down to my dinner and some Netflix, I find comfort in knowing that no matter how the roles may change, the essence of being a mother remains.

I hope this glimpse into my life resonates with those of you navigating similar changes. Whether you’re a single mom or just someone stepping into an unfamiliar new chapter, remember that growth often comes dressed in a challenge. 

Thank you for sharing this day with me. Please subscribe to my email list and join our community of single moms pursuing financial freedom and personal growth. 

Until next time, take care and keep moving forward

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