books for single moms

These 9 Inspiring Books For Single Moms Completely Changed My Life

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There were over 500k self-help books published in 2023. And if I could aim to read just 1% of those books, I believe a lot of things in my single mom life would just be easier. 

Below is a list of 9 books for single moms that I have personally read and have made a huge impact on my life. 

When I stopped letting negative stereotypes affect me as a single mom, I learned that reading could help me reach my goal of being not only a good mother but a better person.

Along the way, some of these books acted like mentors, saving me money and giving me advice that I didn’t know I needed.  Not all these books were written by single moms, but each one of them will leave you with an inspiring message for your journey. 

Inspiring Books For Single Moms

  • Around the Way Girl by Taraji P Henson
  • The Four Agreements by Don M Ruiz
  • The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
  • Becoming by Michelle Obama
  • You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero
  • Girl Wash Your Face By Rachel Hollis
  • The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear

books for single moms

10 Self Help Books For Single Moms

First up, is my favorite single mom story. Around the Way Girl: A Memoir by Taraji P. Henson  As a single mother and one hell of an actress, Taraji P. Henson tells a story of her resilient path to stardom. Recounting every pivotal moment that made her an award-winning actress. I loved this book because it reminds me that being a single mom doesn’t mean you have to give up on your dreams. Taraji knew what she was born to do and she did not let the beginning of her story define her life. 

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz: This book is one of those that feels like common knowledge but is always ignored. You know, those little lessons we learned in grade school that we completely forgot about. For example, Ruiz talks about always doing your best in this book, a concept that none of us are unaware of but tend to ignore. He breaks down how “your best” will change, and that’s okay. I didn’t know I needed this book until I read it.

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You can be great with money. You will be great with money. Learn everything you need to know to stop struggling as a single mom. 

If your goal is to master budgeting then this book is for you. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason 

My favorite way of learning is through stories, and this book contains a collection of parables teaching principles of wealth-building, saving, investing, and how to control your expenses, all set in ancient Babylon.

I initially thought I would not like this book because of the biblical language that is used but it was easy to understand and taught me exactly how to manage my money as a single mom.

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki: If you have never heard of this book, then you’re probably new here. Kiyosaki tells a story of how he had two dads: one was his actual father, and the other was his friend’s father. While his father believed that getting a good education was the way to success, his friend’s father believed that acquiring assets was the best approach. I love this book because it allowed me to compare how rich people teach their kids about money against how I was taught about money growing up in poverty. It’s a real eye-opener and an all-around amazing book.

Becoming by Michelle Obama: In complete honesty, I only read this book to feel like an adult. However, it’s another one of those books that teach you lessons you didn’t know you needed. Forever First Lady Obama shares her motivational life story and offers advice on advancing both personally and professionally. She stresses how personal growth lasts a lifetime and how to accept change, keep learning, and aim to be our best selves always. This book embodies the true meaning of “don’t judge a book by its cover.”

Mindset matters when it comes to mastering wealth. You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero is a book that will help you redefine your relationship with money and how you think, act, and feel about it. 

I just recently finished this book and loved how motivated it left me feeling. Not only does this book inspire you but Sincero also gives you writing prompts to help you walk in your financial bad-assness. 


Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be by Rachel Hollis: This story was recommended to me by a co-worker. I didn’t know anything about the author when I read it, but I loved learning about her journey and how overcoming a toxic relationship helped her become who she is today. This book will inspire you to let go of self-limiting beliefs and pursue your dreams while being your most authentic self.

The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel  I love learning about the science behind pretty much anything. So picking up this book was a no-brainer for me. In this book, Housel looks at the psychology of how we save, spend, and think about money, pointing out that rather than just using money management strategies, our financial decisions are usually the result of deeply rooted habits and beliefs.

Another “common sense isn’t common” type of book that I absolutely love. “Atomic Habits” by James Clear is another book with habits and lessons that I believe we all have in us but just don’t do. Clear does an amazing job of diving deep into how small, incremental changes in our habits can lead to major life improvements. The key point he makes is how the compound effect of tiny habits, when consistently done, can dramatically transform our lives for the better. I rarely read books twice, but this one deserves another go.

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