money moves for single moms

7 Smart Money Moves For Single Moms In 2024

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Simple Money Moves to Start Growing Your Money

Transform your path to financial success with these 7 smart money moves for single moms. In today’s economy, many people are missing out on simple steps that can crack the wealth code wide open. In this article, I will show you how to build wealth in a way that works for you. Discover the steps to achieving financial independence that fits your lifestyle, get rid of any obstacles, and create a wealth roadmap just for you.


Building wealth as a single mom is like standing at the entrance of a giant corn maze. You know there’s an ending but you don’t know which path will get you there without leaving you tired and ready to give up. Even with limited resources, there are ways to pursue wealth creation. But the question remains: What money moves should single moms take to create a path to financial success?

smart money moves for single moms

1. Earn More: Invest Wisely In Education

If you’re a single mom, investing in your education isn’t just smart – it’s a great way to make sure you have a better future financially. You know how important education is for your personal and financial development, so why not make it your top priority?


First, look for learning options that fit your schedule, so you can juggle school and single parenthood. You can take online courses, go to community college, or look into scholarships. You can also connect with support groups and mentorship programs that understand the struggles of single moms who want to go back to school. 


Plus, you can look into financial aid options like grants and loans to help you pay for school. Investing in education not only gives you the skills you need, but it will also help you make better money moves on your journey to building wealth as a single mom

2. Create Stability: Start a Side Business

One of the best money moves a single mom can make is starting a side hustle. Not only does starting a side hustle provide immediate financial stability, but it can also help you build wealth in the long run. 


The benefits of starting a side hustle are multifaceted: it not only provides extra income, but it also helps you build wealth. Diversifying your income sources can help you weather financial storms better and set you up for long-term financial success.


To get started, identify your skills and passions that are marketable and match them with your side business idea. Do some market research to make sure your chosen venture is viable and demand-driven. Use online platforms to market and sell your product, optimize your digital tools, and reach a wider audience. Network with other single mom entrepreneurs in supportive communities that are specifically designed for you. Focus on budgeting, reinvesting, and researching financial resources tailored for small businesses. Starting a side hustle for single moms isn’t just about stability, it’s a dynamic strategy that can help you build wealth and create a prosperous future.

3. Protect Yourself: Build an Emergency Fund

Set yourself up for long term success by setting up an emergency fund. An emergency fund makes sure you are financially secure for unexpected expenses and long term financial goals. Start by figuring out how much you need to save each month and set a realistic goal. Put a chunk of each paycheck into your emergency fund, like a bill that needs to be paid each pay period. Automate your transfers to make sure you’re consistent. 


Your goal is to have enough money to cover your living expenses for three to six months. Life can be unpredictable, so having an emergency fund can be a lifesaver if something unexpected happens. Don’t forget to put windfalls, like a tax refund or bonus, into your emergency fund. Not only does having an emergency fund help protect you from unexpected financial shocks, but it also sets you up for future success, so you can feel financially empowered and secure for the future.

work from home jobs for single moms

4. Know Your Money: Financial Literacy

The most important key to wealth for a single mom is financial literacy. Knowing the ins and outs of personal finance isn’t just empowering; it’s the foundation for building long-term wealth. Financial literacy will empower you to make better money moves, plan ahead, and navigate the ever-changing world of money management.


To get started, start by evaluating your current financial status. Then, create a detailed budget, including income, expense, and savings targets. Explore resources on fundamental financial concepts, such as budgeting and saving, investing, and debt management.

Read books, take online courses, or attend workshops that focus specifically on improving single mom financial literacy. Set clear short- and long-term financial goals and create a plan to achieve them. Engage with financial communities or get advice from professionals. By embracing financial literacy, you not only ensure your current financial well-being, but also lay the groundwork for building wealth as a single mom.

5. Stay One Step Ahead: Continuously Upgrade Skills

Staying ahead of the curve in your personal and professional life is key to building wealth. Today’s technology is fast paced and the market needs change everyday, it’s important to be able to adapt and learn new skills. Think bigger than just being employable right away, think how it invests in your financial future long term. 


To get started, do a self-evaluation of your current skills and figure out where you need to improve or diversify. Look into online courses, workshops or certifications that match your industry trends and interests. Use learning platforms and resources that are flexible enough to accommodate the unique challenges that single moms face. Set achievable, short- and long-term goals for skill development. Treat each skill you acquire as a chance to become financially empowered.


Connect with professional networks, seek out mentorship, or get advice on skill enhancement that fits your career goals. By proactively improving skills, you can not only increase your marketability, but also position yourself as reliable contributors to a fast-changing economy.

6. More Than One Way to Earn: Create Multiple Income Streams

If you’re looking to strengthen your financial foundation and build lasting wealth, it’s important to diversify your income sources. A single income source can leave you little room for flexibility, so it’s important to explore multiple income streams. Beyond the traditional 9-to-5, try freelance, gig economy, or remote work options. Sell your skills or crafts online and reach a wide audience. Investing time in self education to learn new skills opens the door to new income sources. 


Explore less well-known opportunities like affiliate marketing, earn royalties from your creative endeavors, or participate in paid surveys or market research. Set up an emergency fund during the early stages of developing these diverse income sources. By embracing different ways of earning, you not only strengthen your financial foundation, but also prepare yourself for long-term wealth and prosperity.

woman with money pressed on her face

7. Planting Seeds for the Future: Smart Savings

If you’re serious about your path to financial freedom, you know how important it is to save for the future. But make sure you do more than save for your future, you want to intentionally plant seeds for your long term financial goals.


To get started, start by looking at your income and expenses and figuring out where you can save money. Set aside a portion of your budget for savings, and treat it like an important expense. Make sure to transfer money into a savings account every month, so you can stick to your savings routine. Look into investing in high-interest accounts or funds that match your risk and goals. Don’t forget to set up a safety net if something unexpected happens. 


Talk to a financial advisor or check out online resources for tips on how to build wealth as a single mom. By learning how to save wisely, you can not only feel secure in the present, but you can also sow the seeds for your future, which in my opinion is the best money move you can make as a single mom.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Best Investment for Single Moms?

The most important investment for single moms is often the foundation of financial security. Invest in a diverse portfolio that matches your risk tolerance and your financial goals. Invest in yourself with education and skills-building to increase your earning power. Remember, the secret to investing well is consistency, patience and listening to your financial advisor to make informed decisions based on your individual situation.

2. How Do Single Mothers Survive Financially?

Single mothers navigate financial challenges with resilience and resourcefulness. The best way to survive financially as a single mom is to budget, save, and live frugally. Look into government assistance, child support, and other sources of income like freelance work or side hustles. Develop a network of support, learn about financial literacy, seek professional advice, and create a long-term financial plan for yourself and your family.

3. How Can I Get Money Being a Single Mom?

There are many ways to make extra money as a single mom. Start by looking into government grants, scholarships and assistance programs that are specifically designed to help single parents. You can also use your skills and interests to start a side hustle or work as a freelance freelancer. You can also look into local resources, community groups and support networks that provide financial assistance, job training or other services specifically designed for single mothers. Remember, with hard work and creativity, you can make more money and be more financially secure.


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